
Pokemon livejournal
Pokemon livejournal

pokemon livejournal

Does anyone have a spare female eevee/vaporeon they'd be willing to trade me, and B. I then thought maybe I'd get a seadra or something but I can't access those yet either! So I can't get a vaporeon unless someone is willing to trade me either an eevee or a vaporeon outright. Additional Policies All plush are shipped inside a plastic bag, which is then placed inside a bubble mailer to protect them from wet weather (and postmen. Namely Snivy, Tepig, Oshawott, Totodile, Cyndaquil, Chikorita, Mudkip, Treecko and Torchic. The problem is, I already used the eevee I had to make a jolteon (who rocks, by the way, lovely stat gains in speed and special attack and I didn't even EV train him or anything), and I can't get another eevee since I can't access dittos yet or the national dex. I'm looking for some starters on Pokemon X. I'm about to take on the elite 4, and I think it would make things a lot easier if I did. pokecapture - For screencaps from the anime pokechallenge & pokeletters - Pokemon icon challenge comms Active pokedressing - A Pokemon dressing room rpg pokewifi - for Pokmon Wifi trading. So I'm going through Pokemon Platinum for the first time and I've run into a snag. “Because its genetic makeup is irregular, it quickly changes its form due to a variety of causes.” -Pokedex entry for Eevee in Pokemon Black and Whiteĭrink created and photographed by Eddie Strickland. For Glaceon, layer the Ice 101 peppermint schnapps on top of the Irish cream. Just wanted to share with everyone this neat charity group I found: The Patchwork Pokemon Gym. The allowance of two ubers per team seems. Sprinkle the pinch of cinnamon over the fire for a cool effect. The VGC metagame is very different from regular doubles, and is a completely different game when compared to singles. For Flareon, layer the Bacardi 151 on top and light on fire. The Eeveelution of Shots (Pokemon shot set)ĭirections: All of but two of the shots (Flareon and Glaceon) can be made simply by mixing the ingredients in a shot glass. Item the second: Since we are (ought to be) all adults here, check out The Eeeveeloution of Shots So, obviously, Spearow is pretty darn tiny haha. New to LiveJournal, here to meet fellow Pokemon collectors and show collection March 29th, 2014. Main Collections Litwick/Lampent/Chandelure -Pokemon Spooky Party 2014 Halloween Promo clear file (The zippered pouch featuring this artwork is pretty cool. I still play, though not as much as I used to, because Skyrim has taken over my life. All the figures in this line are to scale (1/40 of what the actual Pokemon would be). : Difference between Lottery and Regular MonColl Shiny Mega Gengar. Item the first: I'm sorry this group is dead. Im a twenty-six-year-old French Pokfan and collector.

Pokemon livejournal